A Little Help From My Friend

For when I am around horses, I have to say –
My troubles all vanish and the world goes away.

000_0002Tuffy came into this world fighting an uphill battle. He was the tiniest kitten born to my cat out in the barn and struggled valiantly. When it became obvious that he needed some help, I brought him into the house and bottle fed him. My white lab, Molly, helped me nurse the little guy along and for awhile we made good progress. Then one day, for no apparent reason something went terribly wrong.

Tuffy was in his basket where I had left him but he was having trouble walking. It was like his back end was disconnected from his front end. I wrapped him in a towel and took him to the vet. It seemed that his back had gotten broken and I had to make one of those terribly tough decisions. I said my goodbyes to little Tuffy. He had fought so hard and it broke my heart to watch them take him away knowing his short life was over before it even got started.

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